I love trading card games (Magic, Orions, etc.), and this game is a decent addition to the genre. But it can use some work. First, the graphics and sound are quite nice. After reading the help, the gameplay works well enough and isnt hard to understand (definitely useful to read the help though to understand the numbers and icons). And of course, the price is good. But thats about where the good stuff ends. As for the not so good:
1) Game is pretty easy to win - Ive played 3-4 times and won every time (even the first game which I played before reading the help, so I really didnt know what I was doing). And its easier to win by getting your stronghold to 60 rather than reducing your opponent to 0.
2) There isnt really much strategy involved. Its basically a matter of keeping your resources and stronghold up and your oppoenents stronghold and resources down (especially the second half of those). Generally just picking the cards that do the most damage and/or beef up your buildings the most will give you the win. Whats missing are the intermediate battles between units that you usually have in trading card games. And its funny because the game does have units (mercs) - theyre just not represented in gameplay other than as a resource. They really should be used more - like if you were to play a card that used them to attack, have them actually come out in boats or planes and remain there, attacking (forcing the opponent to counter them to keep his base from getting destroyed). To go along with this feature, the map would probably need to be increased in size to provide a larger middle ground.
3) The wall/barrier doesnt really seem to do much - you can attack buildings within the base even with a powerful wall, so why is it there?
4) A deck managing feature would be nice, so you could put together the cards you like the most.
5) A campaign would be nice as well - maybe one that allows you to earn cards to add to your deck mentioned in #4.
It looks like at least #1 will be fixed in the update, so thats good. Hopefully the surprise will cover one of the other issues as well. Honestly, I dont really care about the high scores list. Multiplayer would of course be much cooler.